

In the lawyer’s office Pirnat – Kovačič – Škofič, we offer our clients help by solving problems from the field commercial, labour, contractual, civil and administrative law, as well as by the registration of brand names and on other legal fields.

We help corporations from the establishment and registration of the company into the register of companies over different changes of company forms or its single parts, to possible liquidation of a company, if partners or shareholders decide to do so.

We prepare and help by the preparation of contracts with the employees from the lowest working place to the director of the company. We prepare also internal acts of the company.

We advise by the purchase of real estates, check the ownership of the real estate and solve other questions regarding the real estate. We take care about the registration of the ownership or mortgage or into the land register or about other data.

We try to solve discrepancies out-of-court. If there is no possibility to solve the problem out-of-court, we represent clients in civil, commercial, administrative and other procedures.